
This site is designed to highlight some of my creative work over the past 25 years. There are many pieces I would like to share, but have not been able to obtain copies. My career in the film and TV industry began at the Ealing Film Studios in London as a BBC Television Film Editor. It was there I had instilled in me a commitment to produce world-class programs. My career can roughly be catagorized by three categories:

  • Editor of film and video/ graphic designer

  • Writer/Producer/Director and Series Producer

  • Consultant: Communications, Media, Marketing & Fundraising

During the past ten years I developed creative communications strategies and managed complex media initiatives for corporations and non-profits. Plus, I also managed my own film production, distribution company and independent record label.

Please note: in some of the productions on this website, I played multilple roles such as Producer, Director, Writer and Reporter. (An example of this is The Legacy of Christopher Columbus). Please enjoy looking around the site to get an impression of my work. If you'd like to get in touch with me, please go to the contact page.

For more information about me you can also visit my Linkedin page: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/stuart-bennett/0/32/a74




 To send a message, or contact me directly, please go to the contact page.